Now COPS is used for insoluble ionic solutes and we're going to say it also has its exceptions. These exceptions will now create soluble aqueous ionic compounds. So we know that soluble aqueous ionic compounds will break up into ions. How do we remember the exceptions? Here we're just going to say, "Oh snap, it's the cops." When we're looking at the term COPS, exceptions can arise when we get to O and when we get to S.
Here, if we take a look at this chart, we have C. C here represents carbonate ion and also chromate ion. So, carbonate and chromate. If we're just looking at COPS and not thinking about, Ghana Cash, we're going to say there are no exceptions. So, we're going to form a precipitate in this case. O stands for oxides, which is O2-, and hydroxide, which is OH-. Now here, this is when we have our exceptions. So here the exception is something we remember as CBS, when we talked about going to cash. Now here, this means that if oxide or hydroxide are connected to calcium, barium, or strontium, they're going to create a soluble aqueous compound, which can break up into ions.
Next, we have P, which stands for phosphate. Remember phosphate ion is PO4 3-. Here, we're just looking at COPS itself. We have no exceptions. It'll form a precipitate. And then finally, we have S, which stands for sulfide, which is S2-. It also has the same exceptions as O. So here calcium, barium, and strontium. Keep this in mind, we're going to use this and look at Ghana and COPS overall to tell if a compound at the end of the day is soluble or insoluble.