The Ideal Gas Law Applications definitions Flashcards
The Ideal Gas Law Applications definitions
Terms in this set (10)
- Ideal Gas LawA fundamental equation in chemistry, expressed as PV = nRT, describing the relationship between pressure, volume, moles, and temperature.
- PressureA variable in the ideal gas law, inversely proportional to volume and directly proportional to moles and temperature.
- VolumeA variable in the ideal gas law, inversely proportional to pressure and directly proportional to moles and temperature.
- MolesA measure of substance amount in the ideal gas law, directly proportional to both pressure and volume.
- TemperatureA variable in the ideal gas law, directly proportional to both pressure and volume.
- Gas ConstantA constant in the ideal gas law, denoted as R, which relates the other variables in the equation.
- Directly ProportionalA relationship where an increase in one variable results in an increase in another, as seen between pressure and moles.
- Inversely ProportionalA relationship where an increase in one variable results in a decrease in another, as seen between pressure and volume.
- NumeratorThe top part of a fraction, used in the context of the ideal gas law to describe variables on the same level.
- DenominatorThe bottom part of a fraction, used in the context of the ideal gas law to describe variables on different levels.