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Significant Figures: Precision in Measurements definitions Flashcards

Significant Figures: Precision in Measurements definitions
  • Significant Figures

    Digits in a measurement that contribute to its precision, including all known digits and one estimated digit.
  • Precision

    The degree of detail in a measurement, indicated by the number of significant figures.
  • Decimal Point

    A dot used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number, affecting the count of significant figures.
  • Non-zero Number

    Digits from 1 to 9 that are always considered significant in measurements.
  • Sig Figs

    Abbreviation for significant figures, representing the precision of a measurement.
  • Measurement

    The process of obtaining the magnitude of a quantity relative to a standard unit.
  • Estimate

    An approximate calculation or judgment of a value, used to determine the last significant figure.
  • Uncertainty

    The doubt about the exactness of a measurement, addressed by including an estimated digit.
  • Eyeball Test

    A method of estimating the last digit in a measurement by visual inspection.
  • Hash Marks

    Lines on measuring tools that indicate units of measurement, used to determine significant figures.