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Quantum Numbers: Nodes definitions Flashcards

Quantum Numbers: Nodes definitions
  • Quantum Mechanics

    A branch of physics focused on the behavior of electrons and other particles at atomic and subatomic levels.
  • Electron

    A subatomic particle with a negative charge, found in electron shells around an atom's nucleus.
  • Node

    A region in an atom where the probability of finding an electron is zero, indicating no electron density.
  • Electron Shell

    A region around an atom's nucleus where electrons are most likely to be found.
  • Principal Quantum Number

    A number denoted by n, indicating the main energy level occupied by an electron.
  • Radial Node

    A spherical region separating different electron shells, calculated by n - l + 1.
  • Angular Node

    A flat plane or cone that divides orbitals, with a quantity equal to the angular momentum quantum number l.
  • Angular Momentum Quantum Number

    A quantum number denoted by l, determining the shape of an electron's orbital.
  • Electron Density

    The probability of finding an electron in a specific region around an atom's nucleus.
  • Orbital

    A region in an atom where there is a high probability of finding electrons.