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Naming Esters definitions Flashcards

Naming Esters definitions
  • Esters

    Organic compounds with an oxygen atom bonded to an alkyl group and a carbon chain with a carbonyl group.
  • Oxygen Atom

    An element in esters that connects an alkyl group to a carbon chain with a carbonyl group.
  • Alkyl Group

    A carbon group bonded to an oxygen atom in esters.
  • Carbon Chain

    A sequence of carbon atoms in esters, containing a carbonyl group.
  • Carbonyl Group

    A functional group in esters, consisting of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom.
  • Carboxylic Acid

    A compound whose name is modified to form the name of an ester by changing 'oic acid' to 'oate'.
  • Naming Convention

    A system used to name esters, involving modifying the carboxylic acid name and identifying substituents.
  • Substituents

    Groups attached to the parent chain in esters, considered in the naming process.
  • Parent Chain

    The main carbon chain in esters, whose name is modified to end in 'oate'.
  • Nomenclature

    The systematic naming of esters, crucial for identifying and discussing ester compounds.