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Naming Coordination Compounds definitions Flashcards

Naming Coordination Compounds definitions

    A systematic set of rules for naming chemical compounds, including coordination compounds.
  • Ligand

    An ion or molecule that binds to a central metal atom to form a coordination complex.
  • Anion

    A negatively charged ion that can act as a ligand in coordination compounds.
  • Neutral molecule

    A molecule with no net charge that can act as a ligand in coordination compounds.
  • Complex ion

    A charged species consisting of a central metal atom bonded to surrounding ligands.
  • Transition metal

    A metal element that can form complex ions with various ligands.
  • Latin-based name

    A name derived from Latin used for certain metal ions in coordination compounds.
  • Cation

    A positively charged ion that is named before the anion in coordination compounds.
  • Counter ion

    An ion that balances the charge of a complex ion in a coordination compound.
  • Coordination complex

    A compound consisting of a complex ion and counter ions.
  • Bromo

    The ligand name for the bromide ion in coordination compounds.
  • Aqua

    The ligand name for water in coordination compounds.
  • Amine

    The ligand name for ammonia in coordination compounds.
  • Carbonyl

    The ligand name for carbon monoxide in coordination compounds.
  • Ethylenediamine

    A bidentate ligand often abbreviated as 'en' in coordination compounds.