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Naming Alkanes with Substituents definitions Flashcards

Naming Alkanes with Substituents definitions
  • Parent Chain

    The longest continuous carbon chain in an organic molecule, serving as the base for naming.
  • Substituents

    Alkyl groups branching off the main carbon chain, identified by their position.
  • Alkyl Group

    A type of substituent derived from alkanes by removing one hydrogen atom.
  • Nomenclature

    A systematic method for naming organic compounds based on structure.
  • Hydrocarbon

    An organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon atoms.
  • Organic Molecules

    Compounds primarily made of carbon atoms in chains or rings, with hydrogen.
  • Naming Convention

    A set of rules used to generate systematic names for chemical compounds.
  • Location

    The specific position on the parent chain where a substituent is attached.
  • Structure

    The arrangement of atoms within a molecule, determining its chemical properties.
  • Process

    A series of steps followed to systematically name an organic compound.