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Naming Alcohols definitions Flashcards

Naming Alcohols definitions
  • Alcohols

    Organic compounds with a hydroxyl group attached to an sp3 hybridized carbon.
  • Hydroxyl group

    A functional group consisting of an oxygen atom bonded to a hydrogen atom, denoted as -OH.
  • sp3 hybridized carbon

    A carbon atom with four single bonds, forming a tetrahedral geometry.
  • Modifier

    A change to the suffix of a compound's name due to the presence of a functional group.
  • Functional group

    A specific group of atoms within molecules responsible for characteristic chemical reactions.
  • Suffix

    The ending part of a word that indicates the type of compound or functional group present.
  • Pentane

    An alkane with five carbon atoms, used as a base name in alcohol nomenclature.
  • Pentanol

    An alcohol derived from pentane by replacing the 'e' suffix with 'ol'.
  • Substituents

    Atoms or groups of atoms that replace hydrogen atoms in a hydrocarbon chain.
  • Nomenclature

    A systematic method for naming chemical compounds.