Measuring Radioactivity definitions Flashcards
Measuring Radioactivity definitions
Terms in this set (15)
- CurieA unit measuring radioactive decay, equivalent to 3.7×10^10 disintegrations per second.
- BecquerelThe SI unit for radioactive decay, representing one disintegration per second.
- RoentgenMeasures ionizing intensity of gamma and X-rays, with no SI equivalent.
- RadA unit of absorbed radiation dose, equal to 1×10^-5 joules per gram.
- GrayThe SI unit for absorbed radiation dose, equivalent to 1 joule per kilogram.
- RemA unit assessing tissue damage, calculated as rad times relative biological effectiveness.
- SievertThe SI unit for assessing tissue damage, where 1 Sv equals 100 rem.
- Relative Biological EffectivenessA factor accounting for ionizing intensity and biological effect, varying by radiation type.
- Gamma RaysHigh-energy electromagnetic radiation with an RBE of 1.
- Alpha ParticlesHeavier radiation particles with an RBE of 20, indicating higher biological impact.
- Beta ParticlesRadiation particles with an RBE of 1, similar to X-rays and gamma rays.
- Ionizing IntensityThe measure of radiation's ability to ionize atoms, relevant for gamma and X-rays.
- Decay EventsOccurrences of radioactive disintegration, measured in curies or becquerels.
- Tissue DamageHarm caused by radiation, assessed using rems or sieverts.
- Disintegrations per SecondA measure of radioactive decay rate, fundamental to curie and becquerel units.