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Intro to Addition Reactions definitions Flashcards

Intro to Addition Reactions definitions
  • Alkene

    A hydrocarbon with at least one carbon-carbon double bond, undergoing addition reactions.
  • Alkyne

    A hydrocarbon with at least one carbon-carbon triple bond, capable of addition reactions.
  • Addition Reaction

    A process where atoms are added to pi bonds, breaking double or triple bonds.
  • Pi Bond

    A type of covalent bond formed by the sideways overlap of p orbitals, present in double and triple bonds.
  • Sigma Bond

    A covalent bond formed by the head-on overlap of atomic orbitals, present in all single bonds.
  • Halogenation

    An addition reaction where halogens are added to pi bonds, forming dihalides.
  • Hydrogenation

    An addition reaction where hydrogen atoms are added to pi bonds, converting alkenes to alkanes.
  • Hydrohalogenation

    An addition reaction where a hydrogen and a halogen are added to an alkene, forming alkyl halides.
  • Dihalide

    A compound formed by the addition of two halogen atoms to a molecule.
  • Alkyl Halide

    A compound formed by the addition of a hydrogen and a halogen to an alkene.
  • Reagent

    A substance or compound added to a system to cause a chemical reaction.
  • Mole

    A unit of measurement for amount of substance, used to quantify reagents in reactions.