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Experimental Error definitions Flashcards

Experimental Error definitions
  • Experimental Error

    Discrepancies between measured and true values in experiments, encompassing both random and systematic errors.
  • Accuracy

    The closeness of a measurement to the true or accepted value.
  • Precision

    The repeatability of measurements, indicating how close they are to each other.
  • Random Error

    Unpredictable fluctuations in measurements, causing results to be sometimes too high or too low.
  • Systematic Error

    Consistent bias in measurements, leading to results that are always too high or too low.
  • Percent Error

    A metric for evaluating measurement precision, calculated as the absolute difference between experimental and theoretical values, divided by the theoretical value, times 100.
  • Experimental Value

    The calculated value obtained from performing an experiment.
  • Theoretical Value

    The expected value based on literature or accepted standards.
  • Calibration

    The process of adjusting equipment to ensure measurements are as close to the true value as possible.
  • Anhydrous

    A state where an object is completely dried out, with all water evaporated.