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Beta Decay definitions Flashcards

Beta Decay definitions
  • Beta Decay

    A nuclear process where an unstable nucleus emits a high-speed electron to convert a neutron into a proton.
  • Beta Particle

    A high-energy, high-speed electron emitted during beta decay, with negligible mass and negative charge.
  • Neutron

    A subatomic particle in the nucleus with no charge, which can convert into a proton and electron during beta decay.
  • Proton

    A positively charged subatomic particle in the nucleus, increased in number during beta decay.
  • Electron

    A negatively charged subatomic particle ejected from the nucleus during beta decay.
  • Selenium-81

    An isotope that undergoes beta decay to transform into bromine-81, maintaining a mass number of 81.
  • Bromine-81

    The product of selenium-81 after beta decay, with an increased atomic number but unchanged mass number.
  • Mass Number

    The total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus, unchanged during beta decay.
  • Atomic Number

    The number of protons in a nucleus, increased by one during beta decay.
  • Ionizing Power

    The ability of a particle to ionize atoms, lower for beta particles compared to alpha particles.
  • Penetrating Power

    The ability of a particle to pass through materials, higher for beta particles than alpha particles.
  • Alpha Particle

    A larger particle compared to beta particles, with higher ionizing but lower penetrating power.
  • Helium-4

    An isotope representing alpha particles, consisting of two protons and two neutrons.
  • Shielding

    The use of dense materials like metal or wood to block beta particles due to their penetrating power.