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Arrhenius Equation definitions Flashcards

Arrhenius Equation definitions
  • Arrhenius Equation

    Describes how temperature affects reaction rates, involving rate constant, frequency factor, activation energy, gas constant, and temperature.
  • Rate Constant

    A proportionality constant in the Arrhenius equation that changes with temperature, denoted as k.
  • Frequency Factor

    Also known as the pre-exponential factor, it represents the frequency of collisions in the Arrhenius equation.
  • Activation Energy

    The minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to occur, denoted as Ea in the Arrhenius equation.
  • Gas Constant

    A constant used in the Arrhenius equation, valued at 8.314 J/(mol·K), denoted as R.
  • Temperature

    A measure of thermal energy that influences the rate constant in the Arrhenius equation.
  • Two-Point Form

    A form of the Arrhenius equation used to compare rate constants at two different temperatures.
  • Linear Form

    A rearranged form of the Arrhenius equation used to determine activation energy from a plot of ln(k) vs. 1/T.
  • Natural Logarithm

    The logarithm to the base e, used in the Arrhenius equation to express the exponential factor.
  • Inverse Temperature

    The reciprocal of temperature, used as the x-axis in the linear form of the Arrhenius equation.