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Alcohol Reactions: Dehydration Reactions definitions Flashcards

Alcohol Reactions: Dehydration Reactions definitions
  • Dehydration Reaction

    A process where alcohol is converted to alkene by losing water, typically using sulfuric acid.
  • Sulfuric Acid

    A strong acid (H2SO4) used to facilitate the dehydration of alcohols to form alkenes.
  • Alkene

    A hydrocarbon containing a carbon-carbon double bond, formed from alcohol dehydration.
  • Hydroxyl Group

    The OH group in alcohols that is lost during dehydration to form a double bond.
  • Zaitsev's Rule

    A guideline stating the most substituted alkene is the major product in elimination reactions.
  • Double Bond

    A chemical bond where two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms, formed in alkenes.
  • Methyl Group

    A CH3 group that can be involved in the loss of hydrogen during alcohol dehydration.
  • Elimination Reaction

    A reaction where elements are removed from a molecule, forming a double bond.
  • Symmetrical Alcohol

    An alcohol where neighboring carbons have the same number of hydrogens, affecting dehydration.
  • Unsymmetrical Alcohol

    An alcohol with neighboring carbons having different hydrogen counts, influencing product formation.
  • Hydrogen Atom

    An atom that is lost from a neighboring carbon during the dehydration of alcohols.
  • Carbon Bonding

    The requirement for carbon to maintain four bonds, crucial in forming double bonds in alkenes.