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Addition and Subtraction Operations definitions Flashcards

Addition and Subtraction Operations definitions
  • Scientific Notation

    A method of expressing numbers as a coefficient times ten raised to an exponent.
  • Exponent

    The power to which a number is raised in scientific notation, indicating how many times to multiply the base.
  • Coefficient

    The numerical factor in scientific notation that is multiplied by ten raised to an exponent.
  • Decimal Places

    The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number.
  • Significant Figures

    The digits in a number that contribute to its precision, excluding leading and trailing zeros.
  • Reciprocal Relationship

    A relationship where an increase in one quantity results in a decrease in another, and vice versa.
  • Rounding

    Adjusting a number to a specified degree of precision, often to the nearest decimal place.
  • Power of Ten

    A mathematical expression involving ten raised to an exponent, used in scientific notation.
  • Addition

    The mathematical operation of combining two or more quantities to find their total.
  • Subtraction

    The mathematical operation of finding the difference between two quantities.
  • Conversion

    The process of changing a number's exponent in scientific notation to match another for operations.
  • Precision

    The degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results.