05:04Nuclide Symbols: Atomic Number, Mass Number, Ions, and IsotopesProfessor Dave Explains1194views1rank
Multiple ChoiceBased on the number of protons each element has, which would you expect to be chemically similar?840views5rank
Open QuestionWhat is the significance of the periodic table of elements? Choose the best answer.304views
Open QuestionWhich element is placed in the same period as ruthenium but has a higher atomic number than it?263views
Open QuestionThe symbol for xenon (Xe) would be a part of the noble gas notation for the element.235views
Open QuestionWhat is the atomic symbol for the element in group 4B (4) and the fourth period?255views
Open QuestionAfter Mendeleev organized the periodic table by atomic weight, he noticed a pattern of ....?174views
Open QuestionA russian chemist developed the periodic table as a way to group elements and atoms according to222views
Open QuestionIdentify the chemical symbols for the elements carbon, aluminum, hydrogen, oxygen, and sodium.213views