So here it says in this practice question, which of the following is not an example of an intensive property. Remember an intensive property is innate or inside of the particular substance. It's unique to it, here a elemental magnetism. So remember, something that has magnetism can act like a magnet. Now this is unique to a substance. I can have a small amount of that substance, or a large amount of that substance. If it's magnetic, it's going to be magnetic no matter what the size or amount is. So magnetism is an example of an intensive property.
Next we have density. Well, density is one of the examples we saw up above. Density is one of the key terms that we use to explain intensive properties. Temperature, temperature too. We use the example of temperature to explain in intensive property milligrams. Milligrams is connected to mass. Mass itself is not an intensive property. There is a difference between 10g and 100 grams of a substance, a pound of gold versus a ton of gold. Mass is very different O milligrams. Here would be example that is not an intensive property.
Finally, freezing point, freezing point. We list it as one of the key features or one of the key terms used to describe intensive properties. We have boiling point, melting point and of course freezing point. So out of all the options, only option D represents an intensive property.