So remember, exceptions start with chromium. So let's look at chromium. If we're to determine its electron configuration. Initially we would see that it would look like argon 4S23D4. Now here what do we have? Here we have 3D with four electrons within it. But remember earlier we said that S&D subshells or sub levels have this urge to try to be half filled or totally filled.
Now we're going to say an S orbital electron can be promoted to create half filled orbitals with D 4 electrons. So what we're saying here is if you're doing the electron configuration of chromium, you're going to end with AD4. That's a key to tell you that, oh D4, we have only four electrons within these D orbitals. But if I could somehow get one more electron in there, those D orbital will be half filled.
So what's going to happen here is we're going to take one electron from the 4S and donated over here. So our 3D4 is going to become AD5 and our 4S2 just gave up an electron so it becomes 4S1. So it now looks like this. This would be the correct electron configuration of Chromium. So again, remember chromium has this type of exception and the driving force is trying to get a half filled set up D orbitals.
So here we're not going to land, we're not going to stay as D4 when it's neutral, it's going to become a D5. Now that we've seen this with the first column, let's see what happens with the second column. So click on the next video and let's see what happens with them.