Heritage has determined the change in the standard gifts for energy reaction or when we have nitric acid reacting with ammonia to produce ammonium nitrate solid. All right, so here we're given the standard Gibbs for energy of formations for each of these compounds. So remember that's just Delta G reaction equals products minus reactants equals.
So everything's a one to one relationship. So we're going to say 1 mole of our product of ammonium nitrate has a delta Geo formation of -183.8 kilojoules per mole minus our reactants, which is 1 mole of nitric acid, which has a value of -73.5 kilojoules per mole plus one more of ammonia which has a value of negative ones of one 6.4 kilojoules per mole.
Here we see that moles cancel out O. Our answer at the end will be in kilojoules. So when we plug this in, we're going to get a Gibbs free energy of reaction. Standard Gibbs free energy of reaction equal to -93.9 kilojoules. So this would be our final answer.