In this example question it says write the formula for each of the following compounds. So for the first one we have is disulfir monochloride. So dye means 2 to sulfurs so that's S2 and then mono chloride. Chloride is the base name of chlorine and model means we have one of it. So this would be S2Cl.
For the next one we have Tetraphosphorus pentaclenide. Alright, so Tetra means 44 phosphoruses, so P4 penta means 5 and Celine is the base name of selenium which is Se and they're being 5 of it would be P4Se5.
Then finally we have dibromo heptoxide, so dye means 2 to bromines so Br2 and we have Hept oxides. So Hept comes from Hepta which means 7 and then AUX means oxygen. So there are 7 oxygen's. So Dibromo heptoxide is Br2O7.
So just remember the first non metal keeps its name as normal uses all numerical prefixes except for mono. The 2nd nonmetal uses any numerical prefixes, but has its ending changed to ID.