So here it says, based on the following atomic orbital shape, which of the following set of quantum numbers is correct. All right, so here they're showing us in... with a ring or a circle around it in the middle. We would know that that particular shape is when we're dealing with the subshell letter of D. And remember, if you're dealing with a subshell letter of D, that means L=2. So automatically A&B are out sore answers, either CD or east.
How do we tell what's the best answer? Remember there's a limitation or a connection between N&L. Remember L=0 up to N-1, right? So this tells us that L must always always be a number less than north, right? Because of this N-1 portion here. So here first of all C doesn't work because N also has its own limitation where it's a number from one to Infinity and can't ever equal 0.
Here D doesn't work because here it's saying that N&L are the same value. We just said that a limitation on L is that L must always be a number less than north because of this N-1 portion. So D doesn't work. The best answer would be EN can equal 5L has to be two because it's connected to the subshell D which is connected to this shape. And here L is also less than the value of N. So here E would be our best answer.