In this example question, it says name each of the following compounds. So for A we asked yellow 4 minus and for B we have Bro 2. All right. Remember, we just learned that if your halogen Oxy anion has four oxygens in it, it's going to have those prefix of PER because it is a chlorine. We're going to use its base name, which is chlor, and because it has four oxygens, its suffix name is 8.
Remember all of these halogen oxy anions possess a charge of -1. So ClO4- is called perchlorate. This would be the perchlorate ion. Now let's do B. For B, we have BrO2-. When we have two oxygens, we're going to say that there is no prefix because it is a branch bromine. We're going to use the base name of Brom and then remember when we have two oxygens we use the suffix of eight.
O BrO2- would be the bromite ion. So these would be the two names for these halogen Oxy anions. Just remember it's based on the number of oxygens that they possess, which will affect both their prefix and or suffix names.