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Ch.21 - Organic Chemistry

Chapter 21, Problem 66b

Name each disubstituted benzene. b.

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Hello everyone today we are being asked to consider the di substituted Benzene di substituted simply means that there are two substitutes added onto this Benzene here. And so the first thing I wanna do is you want to identify the parent name and we can easily distinguish that by this Ben Zayn ring. The second thing I wanna do is you wanna know any substitue ints. And so that's essentially anything that's not a part of the parent chain and we see here that we have not one chlorine but we have to chlorine. The fact that we have to chlorine denotes that we have die chlor oh as our substitute parents And we can note that they are added 12 positions away from each other. And so when we want to put this name together we must start with the locations of our substitue ints. So we have 1-2 comma two dash di chlor Oh our substitue ints. Benzene our parent name and this is our final answer. I hope this helped until next time.