Now, when comparing gamma rays or gamma particles to the other energetic particles, we can say that gamma rays are the smallest in size. We're also going to say that they have lowest in ionizing power, but they have the highest in penetrating power. Here when we look at the gamma ray or gamma mission compared to the other two.
Here the gamma particle would be 00 with the gamma symbol. Here we have thallium tool 4 becoming thallium 204. Again, it's just in terms of our electron moving from 1 orbital to another. In terms of size they'd be the smallest since they have no mass and they have no atomic number here. In terms of ionizing power, they would be the lowest and then in terms of penetrating power, they would be the highest.
Because they have the highest penetrating power, we need to do as much as we can to protect or shield ourselves from their effect. So what could you use? Well, here you would need a thick sheet of lead. OK, so you need a thick sheet of lead or concrete. You need something that dense that thick to protect you from the penetrating power of a gamma ray or gamma particle.
OK, so just keep in mind when we compare these different types of energetic particles, how they differ from one another?