When we have more than just the quantum number n being given to us, then we must follow this quantum electrons road map O. The way it works is they could give us the l value for our electrons and if we know our l value of our electrons we can go straight into the number of orbitals involved. Remember each orbital can hold a total of 2 electrons, right? So one up and one down and then all we need to do is from the number of orbitals determine the number of electrons.
So since each orbital can hold 2 electrons, we multiply the number of orbitals by two and that will give us our number of electrons. Now they could also give you the sub level letter and that would correspond still to my l value and then you would take the same path you have your l value. From there you can determine the number of orbitals by ml. Remember ml is the range of l. Once you know your orbitals, multiply it by two to get the number of electrons.
Now what else could they do? Well they could give you your n value here and if you know the n value would do n-1 which would give you all the possible values of l and again knowing the l value would give you your ml value. Multiplying that by two would again give you the total number of electrons. It can be a bit complicated, but click on the next video and let's take a look at an example and how we're going to utilize this quantum electrons road map.