So if we take a look here at this example question that states which of the following is classified as an extensive property. First we have chemical energy. Remember we have our trusty energy drink of above. That energy drink represents all forms of energy, nuclear energy, thermal energy or in this case chemical energy. So remember if energy is in the name it can count as an extensive property. So here this would be our extensive property.
Let's look at the other choices here. Next we have electrical conductivity. Now conductivity is. You'll be able to basically channel electrical current. Now that's based on the properties that are inside or innate to a substance. So it represents an intensive property where they have a small amount of a conductive material or large amount. It's still going to conduct electricity. Its amount doesn't control this particular property.
Luster, we've talked about luster before as well. It talks about the shininess of a material. Its shininess doesn't depend on if we have a lot of it or a little bit of it. It also is an intensive property. And then finally, freezing point. Remember freezing point, melting point, boiling point, We said that all of these are innate or inside properties, so they're all intensive property. Whether I have a cup of water or a gallon of water, it would have the same freezing point.
So out of all my choices, only option A is the correct choice. Now that we've seen this example question, let's move on to the practice question.