Here we're going to say that the following equation relates the change in the standard Gibbs free energy which deals with standard conditions and the change with Gibbs free energy which is under non standard conditions. Here we're going to say use this formula when given Gibbs free energy under non standard conditions or dealing with the reaction quotient Q.
Here we're going to say that this version of Gibbs free energy formula is the change in the non standard Gibbs free energy equals the change in the standard Gibbs free energy plus RTLN Q. Here we're going to say R is equal to 8.314 joules over moles times K.
Remember we use this version of R anytime we're dealing with energy and we know we're dealing with energy whenever we have units of joules or kilojoules involved, right? So keep this in mind. This equation is a way of us connecting the non standard conditions with the standard conditions in relation to Gibbs free energy.
ΔG = ΔG ⁰ + R T ln Q R = 8.314 J mol ⋅ K