So remember, if you are a perfect shaped one or a perfect shape 2, you're going to be nonpolar by default. If we take a look here, we have our number of electron groups around our central element. Remember, an electron group is either a surrounding element or a lone pair on that central element. They're both classified as electron groups and our central element can either have 0 lone pairs all the way up to 3 lone pairs.
Now if we take a look here, all those that are shaded in green represent perfect shape ones. All of them have a central element that is the black sphere, and all of them have the same surrounding elements around them. And most importantly, the central element has no lone pairs. OK, so everyone here in this green column would be nonpolar.
If we look at these two orange backgrounds, we're going to say those are also nonpolar because they represent our perfect shape twos. They have our central element in the center and we have the same surrounding elements. So we're going to assume that these spheres here are the same surrounding elements, and they are either linear, so this would be a linear shape, or they are square planar or planar. So they fit the whole idea of perfect shape two. That's why they're also nonpolar.
The other ones that are not highlighted. If you have those shapes, there's no way we can make them nonpolar. They're always going to be polar molecules, all right. So if you get anything that's within this part here which is not shaded in green or in orange, they're always going to be polar. So keep that in mind. Look to see if your molecule has a perfect shape one or a perfect shape 2. If it does and fits the criteria, it's nonpolar. If it doesn't, then it's going to be polar.