Here it says to calculate the energy for molophotons with the frequency of 4.29 * 1015 seconds-1. All right, So what we're going to have here is we have energy and they're giving us frequency. So we're going to say here, energy of a photon equals Planck's constant times frequency. So that's going to be 6.626 * 10-34 Joules times seconds. That's Planck's constant times our frequency in seconds-1.
So here seconds will cancel out with inverse seconds, and when we get initially is 2.842554 * 10-18 joules per photon. Remember, we don't want to round until the very end. So now that we have joules per photon realized, we need to find it in terms of moles of photons O we're going to use our conversion factor O. We're going to say here that we have for everyone mole of photons, we have 6.022 * 1023 photons.
So here photons cancel out. And I'll have my answer in joules per mole of photons. So this comes out to 1.71 * 106 joules per mole of photons. OK, so now our answer here is 366 because our initial value also had three sig figs.