So the Boltzmann equation is credited to the Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann where he related entropy to the number of microstates. Now entropy uses the variable S, microstates uses the variable capital W. Here the Boltzmann equation says that the entropy of my system, which is my chemical reaction, equals K times your natural log lane times your number of microstates.
Here K equals your Boltzmann constant and it is 1.38×10-23 joules per Kelvin. And again, capital W just represents the number of microstates. Here we would say that the greater number of the microstates, the greater the entropy. That's because more microstates means more freedom of motion, more movement, more arrangements, more chaos, more disorder. So this would mean an increase in our entropy.
Now a microstate equal to one would mean I would plug in one. Here W4 ln 1 is 0, which would mean at the end that my entropy is equal to 0 right? So keep this in mind, This is just a mathematical way to calculate the entropy of my system if the number of microstates are known.