So here, let's take a look at binary assets. Now binary acids, since they're acid, they are also represented as covalent compounds and they're going to contain the H+ ion, which is our hydrogen ion. But here they're going to be bonded to a non metal anion that is not oxygen. So binary acids are covalent compounds, usually beginning with hydrogen, that contain no oxygen.
Here, how do we form them? Well, we know that they possess the H ion and let's think of a non metal that can be connected to in the anion form, which means they have a negative charge. So let's say we're dealing with iodine. Iodine is in Group 7A so its charge is -1. So here we have plus one from the hydrogen, -1 from the iodine. If you've seen our videos on writing ionic compounds, we alley the same principles here. Remember, if the numbers in the charges are the same, they simply cancel out and you combine together your elements. So here this would be HI. HI would represent a typical binary acid.
All right, so here rules for naming these binary assets. Well, step one is the prefix they're they're going to use. The prefix they use is hydro and that basically represents the H ion. And then we're going to say Step 2, use the base name of the nonmetal. Now here's the thing, remember the base name is usually the beginning part of the beginning name of the nonmetal that is being used and it's unchanged except when we use sulfur or phosphorus.
So it in their acid forms. For sulfur we actually use the entire name. We don't use the base name, we use the entire name for sulfur. And for phosphorus, we don't just use its base name, we use a little bit more. The base name of phosphorus is phosphor, but in acid form we actually use OR as well. So again, the nonmetal part of the acid that is not the H, we use its base name except for sulfur and phosphorus, we use a little bit more than just their base names.
Then finally, to end the name of the binary acid, we use ick acid for the end of the name. So we apply these principles and we'll be able to name any type of binary app.