Based on your knowledge of axial and Equatorial positions, draw the most likely structure of PF2Cl3. All right. So remember when it comes to drawing Lewis structures, we place the least electronegative element in the center. In this case, it'd be phosphorus. Phosphorus has attached to it 5 bonding groups, 2 fluorines and three chlorines, so it's a 5 electron group system. Now phosphorus and group five base, so this makes sense.
Remember that three of them would be along the equator and two of them would be in the axial position. Now remember in terms of stability and energy, we want the more electronegative element to be in the axial position. Fluorine is more electronegative than chlorine, so fluorine we place in the axial positions. So remember fluorine's in Group 7A, so it only has seven valence electrons, halogens like chlorine and fluorine.
When they're not in the center, they only make single bonds as surrounding elements, and then we draw the chlorines. Chlorines are in Group 7A as well, so they have 7 valence electrons. Then he were drawing them here there along the equator. So this would be the most stable, most likely structure of PF2Cl3 where we have a 5 electron system and therefore we have Equatorial axial positions.
Fluorine is more electronegative than chlorine. So remember fluorine would go into the axial positions and chlorine would go into the Equatorial positions.