Here it says draw a condensed formula for compound with the following molecular formula C4H10. Here we're given a hint. Arrange all carbon atoms in a row. All right, so we'd have our carbons all connected to each other, our four carbons. And remember, carbon wants to make four bonds, and in order to do that we distribute hydrogens to all of them.
So this here represents my structural formula where I'm showing each of the bonds between carbon, carbon and carbon hydrogens. But remember, we want the condensed, so now we package things in. Here we have a carbon connected to three hydrogen, so that's CH3. Then we have carbon connected to two hydrogens. That's CH2, again another CH2, and then finally we have a carbon connected to three hydrogens.
Again that be a CH3, so this will represent our condensed formula. CH3CH2CH2CH3. This would be our final answer.