With atomic emission we have different line spectra that can be formed. Now with a line emission spectra it shows the energy released as electrons travel between different shells. So in this first grouping we have electrons going from a higher shell number, whether that be shells 2, 3, 4 or some unknown higher value. All of them end at shell #1, so they're all ending at the same place. So they're all going to fall within a certain general energy range. And here we're going to say if you're going from a higher shell number and ending at shell one, you're going to exist within the UV spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Now here, our next groupings, all of these, they start at some higher shell number and they go all the way down to shell two. When that happens, you belong to the visible light spectrum. And then finally, if you're going from a higher shell number and ending down at energy Level 3, then you would produce what we call infrared energy. Now remember, UV visible in IR are all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Now there are names attached to these different types of emissions. So we're going to say names of emission Spectra are based on the final shell reached by the electron.
So here we're saying that in the series you're ending at shell 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. We already said that if you're going from a higher shell number and ending at one, you'd exist within the UV or ultraviolet light spectrum. If you end at shell two, then you would fall within the visible light spectrum, and then if you end up at position or shell 3 through 6, then you would actually be in the infrared of the electromagnetic spectrum. Now, the names associated with these different types of emissions are your Lyman series. We have the Bommer series, the Passion series, we have the Bracket series, the Fund series, and the Humphrey series.
Yes, some of these names are weird. They're named after the individual responsible for their discovery, so that's why the names are all over the place. But just realize that as we go from a higher shell number to a lower shell number, that represents an emission. And depending on which shell you land on as your final destination, you exist as one of these different types of series, and maybe they'll be associated with either UV, visible or infrared energy.