The Arena's equation investigates the temperature dependence of chemical reaction rates. Here we're going to say that the Arrhenius equation has an Arrhenius equation formula and that is
K = A × e − E A R THere K = R rate constant A. Here we're going to say equals our frequency factor or also called our pre-exponential factor or sometimes called the Arrhenius factor. So these are just a bunch of different names from the same variable. EA equals our activation energy or energy of activation or energy barrier. Again, this also has names as well.
R = R gas constant, which here equals 8.314 Joules over moles times K. Now here this R constant we used 8.314 anytime we're referring to speed, energy or velocity. So keep that in mind. R becomes 8.314 with the units of Joules over moles times K anytime one of these three ideas is being discussed. OK, so keep this in mind.
The Arrhenius equation is
K = A × e − E A R T