Here we're going to say we're going to continue with our discussion. We're still going to look at solutions and the transferring of them, but we're also going to pay closer attention to solids and their use and instruments needed for them within the chemistry laboratory. So in the first image what we have here is we have what's called a Crucible, which is the container and its lid. Now within your basic chemistry laboratory we have these large ovens. These ovens can reach temperatures in the several hundreds of degrees. Basically what we do here is we take our wet sample and we place it in the oven, usually wait until the next following lab until it's completely dried out.
So here our Crucible, we're going to say, is used to heat small amounts of solid material at high temperatures. Now we're going to say here that when our substance is wet, we're going to say that it's hydrated. And once you put it in the Crucible and then place that within the oven and give it enough time, it'll dry out. All the water will be driven out of the substance. And what we'll have left is something that is completely dry. And when we say that a substance is completely dry, we call it anhydrous, OK. So this would be our dry sample and this is when it's wet.
Now similar to a Crucible, is we have here an evaporating dish or an evaporation dish. In this case we don't use an oven in order to heat our hydrated substance. What we do here is we just place some liquid on this dish and give it time to evaporate, leaving behind a solid. So this here is just used to contain a small amount of liquid so that it can undergo evaporation. It undergoes evaporation. And remember, the whole point of this is to leave behind a solid.
Now the next two objects here we have are spatulas. And here we're going to say that this is a Scoopula. So a spatula is when we're trying to take a small amount of powdered solid from a container within your lab and maybe place it within a beaker or a flask. So this just helps us to transfer small amounts of solid usually in powdered form and a Scoopula is just to help us to transfer larger amounts of solid.
Next what we have here is our basic funnel. Now remember we've seen a Buckner funnel earlier which is used in vacuum filtration here. This is just a regular funnel now, its primary uses. So basically it helps us to transfer liquids or solids if they're in powdered form or small enough, into a container with a small opening, right? So in this case, all it's helping us to do is stop spillage because it's hard to transfer a liquid from a bottle into a flask with a small opening. So we use a funnel to help us. We just pour it into the funnel and we make sure that as much of it as possible gets within that flask.
Another method that we can have with this is if we use filter paper. So within lab they'll teach you how to fold a piece of filter paper. So basically your filter paper is circular like this. And what you do is first you fold it in half and then you'd fold that half in half as well. So you have that. And then you would hold it out like this and just put your hand through it and open it up and it would form basically like a porous membrane. And you would place that within the funnel and then you can pour a liquid through there. And what would happen here is the liquid portion would drip out of the filter paper into the flask and what will be left behind would be some solid that's solid. Sometimes we refer to it as a residue, so if filter paper is used, it can be used to separate a liquid which is our filtrate, and a solid, which is our residue.
Now finally what we have here, our last image. This is also a funnel, but it's different from a Buckner funnel which is typically used for vacuum filtration. It's different from a regular funnel which is used for simple filtration or just a transferring of liquids or solids into a container with a smaller opening. This is a separatory funnel or separating funnel. And the whole purpose of this separatory funnel, it basically helps us to it helps with the separation of a liquid and a solid by exposing the solid to another solvent. We tend to call this partitioning and we'll talk about this later on. We typically see this when we're doing ACID base extractions. So we'll talk in greater detail about what exactly is an acid base extraction and how exactly is a separatory funnel used when doing this type of process.
So these cover a majority of the basic instruments that you should be exposed to at some point within a chemistry lab. So it's important to know what they look like and their main purpose. Again, laboratories are a lot of work, I know, and you don't get as many credits for it, but it is taking into practice some of the concepts you're learning in class and bringing them into a real world, real world setting. So just follow what your professor says or your TA says within the lab. Always be careful when transferring of any liquids or solutions. Follow all the rules, study. You should be able to do well within your lab.