Here it says determine the product created under the following oxidation reaction. So here we have our alcohol. We have potassium dichromate as our oxidizing agent over sulfuric acid. So remember we want to add as many carbon oxygen bonds without breaking any carbon carbon bonds.
So if we take a look here, we have chapter three, chapter 2, Chapter 2, and here it's going to be important that I show the bonds that could potentially be affected for this alcohol. Now we know that if we're oxidizing this, we know that we're going to form at least a carbon double bonded to an oxygen. And if I do that, this carbons already making three bonds. Remember it can only go up to four bonds here.
If I just had it as an H here, we'd have an aldehyde. But have I gone the full distance to replace any carbon hydrogen bonds with as many carbon oxygen bonds? I haven't because I could remove this H and put an oxygen there. So I've made as many carbon oxygen bonds as possible. And remember I cannot break a carbon carbon bond so this bond here is unaffected.
So at the end I would get a carbacillic acid as my final product.