So let's take a look at the following example question here. It says determine the number of significant figures in the following value. While our value has a decimal point, when it has a decimal point you move from left to right and we start counting once we get to our first nonzero number.
Our first nonzero number is this 3, so that's where we start counting. So that's going to be 1, 2, 3, 4. You count all the way to the end once you start counting. So here this would just simply have four significant figures. So remember just to rely on the three rules that we know in terms of determining the number of significant figures.
If it has a decimal point such as this one, we move from left to right. Start counting once you get to your first non 0 number and keep counting until the end. If it had no decimal point then we'd move from right to left and follow the same exact rules. If it wasn't exact number then it would have an infinite number of significant figures.
Now that we've done this example question, move on to the practice question.