Consider the following ethylenediamine complexes.
(a) Which complexes are chiral, and which are achiral?
(b) Draw the enantiomer of each chiral complex.
(c) Which, if any, of the chiral complexes are enantiomers of one another?
Consider the following ethylenediamine complexes.
(a) Which complexes are chiral, and which are achiral?
(b) Draw the enantiomer of each chiral complex.
(c) Which, if any, of the chiral complexes are enantiomers of one another?
Consider the following ethylenediamine complexes.
(a) Which complexes are chiral, and which are achiral?
(b) Draw the enantiomer of each chiral complex.
(c) Which, if any, of the chiral complexes are enantiomers of one another?
Consider the following ethylenediamine complexes.
(a) Which complexes are chiral, and which are achiral?
(b) Draw the enantiomer of each chiral complex.
(c) Which, if any, of the chiral complexes are enantiomers of one another?
Titanium, used to make jet aircraft engines, is much harder than potassium or calcium. Explain.
Molybdenum (mp 2623 °C) has a higher melting point than yttrium (mp 1522 °C) or cadmium (mp 321 °C). Explain.
Briefly account for each of the following observations:
(a) Atomic radii decrease in the order Sc > Ti > V.
(b) Densities increase in the order Ti > V > Cr.