The half-life of 232Th is 1.4⨉1010 yr. Find the number of disintegrations per hour emitted by 1.0 mol of 232Th.
When a positron and an electron collide and annihilate each other, two photons of equal energy are produced. What is the wavelength of these photons?

Key Concepts
Annihilation Reaction
Photon Energy and Wavelength Relationship
Conservation of Energy
A 228-mL sample of an aqueous solution contains 2.35% MgCl2 by mass. Exactly one-half of the magnesium ions are Mg-28, a beta emitter with a half-life of 21 hours. What is the decay rate of Mg-28 in the solution after 4.00 days? (Assume a density of 1.02 g/mL for the solution.)
The half-life of 235U, an alpha emitter, is 7.1⨉108 years. Calculate the number of alpha particles emitted by 1.0 mg of this nuclide in 1.0 minute.
Given that the energy released in the fusion of two deuterons to a 3He and a neutron is 3.3 MeV, and in the fusion to tritium and a proton it is 4.0 MeV, calculate the energy change for the process 3He + 1n → 3H + 1p. Suggest an explanation for why this process occurs at much lower temperatures than either of the first two.
The nuclide 18F decays by both electron capture and β+ decay. Find the difference in the energy released by these two processes. The atomic masses are 18F = 18.000950 and 18O = 17.9991598.