Now before we dive into naming alcohols, recall that alcohols possess a hydroxyl group. The hydroxyl group is the OH group and it's connected to an SP3 hybridized carbon. Here, the set of rules for naming alcohols are similar to alkanes, plus a modifier ending.
Now here, what exactly is a modifier? Well, the modifier is the change to the suffix or ending because of the presence of a functional group. As we go from functional group to functional groups, we're going to have different types of modifiers. Now here for alcohols, the modifier modifies the ending of the alkane name of E to all. So instead of like pentane, we have pentanol.
Here the naming convention is we have to give still the locations of our different substituents. Remember those are our branch groups, the location of our parent in terms of our OH group, and then the modification to the ending, in this case going from an E ending to ALL. So keep this in mind when we're naming different types of alcohols.