Now recall Esther's possess an oxygen atom connected to an alkyl group, so a carbon group, and a carbon chain containing a carbonyl group. So esters have this as the portion that indicates what they are. Now esters have a unique naming system.
The carbon chain with the carbonyl group is named as though it was a carbacillic acid, but it's not a carbacillic acid anymore, it's an Ester. So we have to modify the ending. So we're going to modify the ending from OIC acid, which is the ending of a carbosolic acid, to 8, which is now the end of the name for an Ester.
In terms of our naming convention, we still talk about our substituents and we'll see how that works. In terms of esters, we'll have our parent chain where we modify the ending to 8. So keep this in mind as we start naming different types of esters.