Among the elementary subatomic particles of physics is the muon, which decays within a few microseconds after formation. The muon has a rest mass 206.8 times that of an electron. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength associated with a muon traveling at 8.85 * 105 cm/s.
Using Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, calculate the uncertainty in the position of b. a proton moving at a speed of (5.00±0.01) × 104 m/s. The mass of a proton is 1.673×10−27 kg.

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Key Concepts
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
Calculating Uncertainty
Neutron diffraction is an important technique for determining the structures of molecules. Calculate the velocity of a neutron needed to achieve a wavelength of 1.25 Å. The mass of a neutron is 1.675×10−27 kg.
Using Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, calculate the uncertainty in the position of (a) a 1.50-mg mosquito moving at a speed of 1.40 m/s if the speed is known to within {0.01 m/s;
Calculate the uncertainty in the position of (a) an electron moving at a speed of 13.00 ± 0.012 × 105 m/s (b) a neutron moving at this same speed. (The masses of an electron and a neutron are given in the table of fundamental constants in the inside cover of the text.)
(a) For n = 4, what are the possible values of l?
How many unique combinations of the quantum numbers l and 𝑚𝑙 are there when b. n = 4?