So, internal controls, the system in place to help us prevent or detect fraud in our company, are not perfect. Let's discuss some of the limitations of our internal controls. They're not going to be perfect. What are some reasons that internal controls could fail and result in fraud? First, the human element is involved. Employees aren't perfect. They could make mistakes, they could be careless, or even indifferent towards your internal control procedures. You might have all these great internal controls in place, but then they might think, 'Yeah, whatever, they were supposed to sign these documents, but it doesn’t really matter.' So, those internal controls could fail because the employees might not care, and you really have to emphasize to them, 'Hey, it's really important that you sign these documents or whatever that kind of seemingly meaningless step to the employee could be very important to the company.'
The next reason internal controls could fail is collusion. Collusion is when employees work together to commit fraud. And this goes with the separation of duties. Remember when we talked about separation of duties? When they collude together, maybe we separated these duties to prevent fraud, but then they work together. All those employees that were supposed to do different tasks work together to steal from the company, and there's nothing really you could do about that other than hire employees that aren't going to do that.
Next is an executive override. Usually, lower-level employees need to get verified; they need to ask, 'Is this okay? Can we get this expense?' But consider the executives, the CFO of the company; there's not really anyone that they have to ask to write a check. So a top-level employee generally does the final verification, a CFO. Therefore, the CFO can just authorize his own transactions. Maybe buy a jet ski on the company's dollar, and there's nobody really to authorize his transactions. He is the authorizer.
Lastly, we have the size of the business. Sometimes, in a small business, it's going to be tough. They might not have enough employees to separate duties. What if you only have three or four employees at your company? It might be really tough to do separation of duties in those cases. So you ought to think about the cost versus the benefit. The cost, in that case, would be actually hiring extra employees just for the sake of internal controls for the benefit of having this fraud prevention. So, you know, you have to weigh that out. Is it worth having this extra cost when maybe we have trustworthy employees? It's a tough call in those small businesses.
For these reasons, what we say is that internal controls provide reasonable assurance. Notice this kind of legal terminology they're using: Reasonable assurance. They're not saying, 'We have internal controls in place, so there is no fraud.' We can't say that. We say, 'There are internal controls in place, so we're pretty sure, we're reasonably assured that there's no fraud happening.' That's the kind of legal recourse that you have: reasonable assurance. So, overall, what do we have reasonable assurance over? Well, it's over the safeguarding of assets, ensuring that what we say we have is actually there, and the reliability of financial information. We feel pretty good that the assets are there and that our financial information is reliable too. So, that's what internal controls do.
Alright, let's go ahead and move on to the next video.