Alright, so let's move on to the premium on bonds payable now. I want you guys to go ahead and after this lesson compare the discount and the premium. And see how much they have in common and are basically opposites of each other. So, what do you guys remember about the stated rate and the market rate when we're talking about premiums? When the stated rate, let's say is 12%, now we're saying with our bonds, "Hey, our bonds are offering 12% and the market, all similar bonds to ours, are only offering 10%." People are going to prefer ours, right? Ours are more enticing because we're paying a higher interest rate. So, this is when a premium exists when the stated rate is greater than the market rate.
Let's go ahead and do our summary table right quick, and remember, we've dealt with these other ones already. We dealt with the situation where the stated rate and the market rate are equal, and this was a face-value bond, sometimes called a par value bond, and the price of the bond will be equal to the face value in that case. Now, what about the situation we just discussed where the stated rate was less than the market rate? The stated rate is 8%, while the market rate is 10%. Well, the price of the bond is going to be less, right? Our bond in that case is less enticing than the market, because we're offering less interest. So investors will pay less for it, and they will pay at a discount. Now, in this video, we're going to be focused on the premium. That's a situation where we're offering more, just like we said. We're offering 12% when the market offers 10%. Well, the price of the bond is going to be greater than the par value. Right? And that's because our interest rate is higher; they're going to be sold at a premium.
Let's go ahead and see how the issuance entry, when we first issue the bonds, what that's going to look like when we are dealing with a premium situation. On January 1, 2018, ABC Company issues \( $50,000 \) of \( 9\% \) bonds payable, maturing in 5 years. Remember, this \( $50,000 \) is the principal amount. The face value of the bonds. And that's the amount that will calculate our cash interest. The bond says they're going to pay \( 9\% \) interest, and they mature in 5 years. Right? It's 5 years, 5-year bonds and interest is payable semi-annually, which means 2 payments per year, right? Every 6 months, we are going to make interest payments. Semiannual bonds tend to be more common because it's a little more complicated; we've got to make 2 payments per year. January 1st and July 1st are those interest payment dates.
Now notice, the market interest rate in this case is \( 8\% \), right? We're offering \( 9\% \). The market is only offering \( 8\% \). Well, our bonds are more enticing. They're going to be sold at a premium, and that's exactly what we see right here. The bonds were issued at \( 108\% \) of their face value. So the \( 108\% \) means \( 108\% \) of the face value. Now that could have been any number, but they have to give it to you, right? In this case, they sold for \( 108\% \) of the face value. Let's go ahead and see how much cash we received. That's what it tells us. The \( 108\% \) tells us how much cash we received, and that's going to be the \( $50,000 \times 1.08 \), because it's \( 108\% \), which is \( 1.08 \). So let's go ahead and see what that comes out to. \( $50,000 \times 1.08 \), well, that comes out to \( $54,000 \) and that's the amount of cash we're going to receive, from selling these bonds. So that's going to be our debit to cash. We are going to receive \( $54,000 \) in cash. Okay? So that is our debit, in this entry. And we're going to have a credit. We owe money now, right? We took on this liability for bonds payable.
Well, what is going to be our credit to bonds payable in this case? Is it going to be \( $54,000 \)? No, just like we said, right? The bonds payable is always going to be in the amount of the face value. The face value of these bonds are \( $50,000 \) and this always has to be always face value going into the bonds payable account, \( $50,000 \) is the bonds payable, but this doesn't balance, right? We've got debits of \( $54,000 \) and credits of \( $50,000 \) in this case. So we need \( $4,000 \) more credits. So we're going to need \( $4,000 \) more in credits over here and guess what that's going to be? That's going to be our premium on bonds payable. Premium on bonds payable. I'm going to put premiums on VP. That's usually how we abbreviate this, premiums on bond payable. Okay? So that \( $4,000 \) extra is going to be sitting in another account. We keep the principal account in the bonds payable account, and then we have this related account. Not necessarily a contra account because it's increasing the value, right? It has a credit balance. We have the credit balance of \( $50,000 \) plus another credit balance of \( $4,000 \). So it's increasing the value of bonds payable based on this extra cash we received. Okay? So when we see our balance sheet, our balance sheet is going to show this cash we received the \( $54,000 \). It's going to be increasing our cash balance. But on our liabilities, now we're going to be showing our bonds payable account. So, when we show our balance sheet, we're going to have our bonds payable account sitting on \( $50,000 \) as a credit, right? It's going to show a liability of \( $50,000 \), but it's also going to say plus premium, right? Because the carrying value of the bond is not just the \( $50,000 \). It also has this premium associated with it of \( $4,000 \). So when we show our balance sheet, it's going to show a bonds payable of \( $54,000 \). Or excuse me, not just the bonds payable The bonds payable plus the premium is going to show a balance of \( $54,000 \), okay? And that's equal to the cash we received, so our equation stays balanced here. Okay? So it's a big note when we make our journal entry, that the bonds payable account always just has the face value of the bonds and then we store the difference from the cash we received and the bonds payable in either the discount or the premium. Okay? So let's go ahead and move on to our interest expense journal entry.