Introduction to Matrices
7. Systems of Equations & Matrices / Introduction to Matrices / Problem 3
Apply the indicated row transformation to the following matrix.
![open square brackets table row 6 cell negative 9 end cell row 11 0 end table close square brackets {"mathml":"<math style=\"font-family:stix;font-size:16px;\" xmlns=\"\"><mstyle mathsize=\"16px\"><mfenced open=\"[\" close=\"]\"><mtable><mtr><mtd><mn>6</mn></mtd><mtd><mo>-</mo><mn>9</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mn>11</mn></mtd><mtd><mn>0</mn></mtd></mtr></mtable></mfenced></mstyle></math>","truncated":false}](
Add the result -10 times of row 1 to row 2
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