So in this problem, we're asked to set up and solve the left, right, and midpoint Riemann sums given this function, f(x) = x3 on the interval from zero to four. We're asked to use four subintervals to solve this. We're asked to tell what is an overestimate and what is an underestimate based on the results we get. So this is an interesting example where we're asked to apply all of these techniques for Riemann sums that we've learned about. But let's just go ahead and go right through them to see what all of these looks like.
So what we're dealing with is this function ultimately, f(x) = x3. That's the main function we're going to be dealing with. And the next thing I'm gonna calculate is the width of every subinterval that we're dealing with. Because recall that the width of each subinterval would be basically the width of every rectangle, which is b minus a over n. B is going to be the high point of our interval, which is four.
And we're gonna have minus a, which is the low point of our interval zero, and then it's gonna be divided by n, which is the number of subintervals. In this case, that's going to be four. So we have four minus zero over four, which all comes out to one. Now, why exactly am I calculating this width here? Well, because my ultimate goal is this, if we are dealing with some kind of function, let's say that it's plotted on a graph x and y, and we have some kind of curve of our function.
I'm just gonna write something like this. This is f(x). And what we're doing is we're looking on some interval from zero all the way to four, and we're trying to find this area. My strategy would be to take whatever area I have and fill it with a certain number of rectangles and approximate the area of each of these rectangles and add them all up. Now in this case, we're using Riemann sums.
We don't even necessarily need a graph to do this. What I would need to know is the width of each rectangle that we would have. And the width of each rectangle would, in essence, be the width of the subinterval, which is what we call Δx. So this is gonna be the same for every single subinterval we have. Every single piece that we're estimating the area is going to be this value right here.
And if I go ahead and take this value, and then multiply it by the function value, the function output, which would be the height, that allows me to get a width times height, which is basically the area of a rectangle, thus estimating the area under the curve of a function. Now we're gonna start by dealing with the left endpoint approximation. And we actually have an equation when it comes to dealing with left endpoints. The left endpoints are going to be Ln = ∑ (k = 1 to n, f(xk-1) × Δx).
Now at this point we already have Δx calculated, we said that that's one. So I can see that this whole Riemann sum is equal to one multiplied by this summation. Now the summation goes from k equals one to n. Now what exactly is n? Well, n is the number of subintervals, which in this case is four.
So we go from k equals one to four, and then we have this function. Now this function is going to take xk-1 and plug it in to the function we have up here. Since I can see our function is clearly x cubed, that means we're gonna have xk-13. And this is going to be the function we have, and one multiplied by anything is just gonna be that number or that value, so this sum I'm just gonna write by itself. So, we'll have ∑ (k = 1 to 4, xk-13).
Now how exactly could we evaluate this sum? Well, what I need to do is look at these numbers I have here. We go from one to four, but notice that our Δx here is one, and we're starting from the left endpoints. Because we're dealing with the left endpoints k minus one, we're going to start at an x of zero value which would be right at the start of our interval of zero. So doing this sum, what we're going to have first is we're going to have zero cubed.
Then we're going to have plus and then we need to go up by a width of one. So we're going to have zero plus one, which would be one cubed. Then we're going to go up by another width of one, we're going to increment up by one. So then we're going to have two cubed, and then we're going to increment up by one again. That's gonna give us three cubed.
And this right here is where we would stop. Because notice we have one, two, three, four pieces that we're adding together, and notice that this goes from one to four. So this is good. The reason we don't actually go all the way up to four is because we're dealing with left endpoints. So what we've done here is we've gone all the way up to three, because if we're looking at the leftmost side of each rectangle we would stop at three and not go up to four.
So this right here would be our sum, and if you go ahead and crunch all these numbers, you should get 36 as the approximate area underneath the curve of our function. So 36 would be this result, and that would be the solution for this first situation, the left endpoints. Now what if we take a look at the right endpoints? Well, the right endpoints would look like this. It's Rn = ∑ (k = 1 to n, f(xk) × Δx), and then this is going to be within a sum.
So notice we have the height times the width for our rectangles, but then this is gonna be the sum from k equals one to n. So this would be the Riemann sum from the right side, which is gonna be the next piece that we take a look at. Notice it's very similar to the left side, except rather than having k minus one, we have k. So rather than starting here at the zero like we would before, we would actually start at one this time, because we're incrementing up by one, and then starting our count to the right sides of the rectangle. So going to this sum, we're going to go ahead and have this Δx just be one multiplied by the front of this whole piece, but I can just write this as just the sum by itself because one multiplied by anything is just that number.
So we're gonna have ∑ (k = 1 to 4, f(xk)). Now for f(xk), I need to take xk and plug it into this function that we have, that's gonna give me xk3. So this is the result that we get for our sum, and now I just need to evaluate this. Now doing this, remember, we're going to start one width over from zero. So if we're looking at an x axis for example or some number line, if we started here at zero, we're going to actually go over here to one to start, and then we're going to increment all the way up to four.
So that's gonna be the result that we do. So going through this process, well, let's just go ahead and do that. So I'm going to go ahead and increment up based on what we have down here. So we're going to first have one cubed. Right?
And keep in mind, we're looking at this interval up here, zero to four. We're gonna have one cubed first, and then if we go one unit over, then we're gonna have two cubed. Then we could go one unit over, and that's going to give us three cubed. Then we could go one unit over, and that's going to give us four cubed. So we have one cubed plus two cubed plus three cubed plus four cubed, and this entire thing is going to come out to 100.
So 100 would be the area when we use right endpoints. So we now have the left endpoints, and we have the right endpoints. But what about if we took a look at the midpoints? Well, the midpoint is going to be this equation that I write down. It's gonna be that Mn = ∑ (k = 1 to n, f((xk-1 + xk) / 2) × Δx). Now for this sum, Δx, we already figured out is one. So I'm not even gonna write it down here, since I know it's just gonna be multiplied by this whole sum. So what we're gonna have is the sum from k equals one to the number of subintervals, which we said already was four. And then within our function here, x3, we're going to plug in this quantity.
So what that's going to give me is (xk-1 + xk) / 2, and then this whole thing is going to be cubed. So this is the result. Now how exactly do we find these midpoints? Well, keep in mind for the midpoint, this is what we're plugging in. And if I go over from zero to four, well, if we think about this on an x axis, we would have zero right about there.
And our first increment up would be one since we have a width of one. We're trying to go to the midpoint, trying to take the leftmost side, we're trying to take the rightmost side, and we're trying to average those. So we'd go right here in the middle between zero and one, which is 0.5. So that would be the midpoint that we would be dealing with. So if we want to do the midpoint rule, we'd first start with 0.5.
So writing out this sum, we're going to have 0.5 cubed. And then we're going to have plus, and we're going to go up by a width of one. So it's gonna be 1.5 cubed plus, and then we're gonna go by width of one. It's gonna be 2.5 cubed, then we'll have plus, and then width of one is gonna be 3.5 cubed. So this is what you need to evaluate right here when doing this sum.
If you go ahead and plug this all into a calculator or solve this out by hand, you should get 62 as your result. So this would be the solution with the midpoints, and then we have the left and the right endpoints as well. And that is how we deal with Riemann sums from all three cases left, right, and midpoints. Now a final piece of this question asks us to tell which is an overestimate and which is an underestimate. Well, by looking at these numbers here, I can see that we got a low number when we did the left endpoints.
So I can see that this right here would be an underestimate for our results. So that means when we did this estimation right here, we got a lesser result. We got less area than we truly have for the curve of this function underneath. But if I go to the right endpoints, notice I got a big number of a hundred. So what I could say is this right here would be an overestimate.
We call this over, and the reason we're saying that this is over is because in this case, we got a larger number that we were dealing with. We got a hundred. This is clearly over the estimate. And then 62, this midpoint, this is a much closer to accurate result in the left or the right, but it's still not necessarily gonna be fully accurate. This was just a way of kind of averaging things out by taking some of the left and some of the right and going right down the middle, but this still is not a truly accurate answer.
But this gives us a more accurate answer than the direct left or right endpoints did. But we can clearly see based on what the midpoints are that the left endpoints would be under this time and the right endpoints would be over. This is not always consistent. Sometimes it's the other way around. Sometimes the right endpoints are going to give you an under approximation and the left endpoints will give you an over.
But in this case, this is just how it happens to work out. So this would be the solution to our problem, and that is how you can deal with left, right, and midpoints when it comes to Riemann sums, as well as figure out what's an under approximation versus an over approximation. And if you ever have any doubts when solving these types of problems, feel free to draw up a little mock graph. So feel free to kinda, like, draw some kind of random arbitrary curve for your function, and then fill this with endpoints from the left side or from the right side. And then go ahead and check your area and how much is gonna peak over the curve based on what you calculate, how much peaks over, or how much goes under.
And that's going to tell you what your approximation is and where you end up when it comes to your calculations. So, I hope you found this video helpful. That is how we can do these Riemann sum problems. Let me know if you have any questions, and let's move on.