At this point in the course, we should be very familiar with a tangent line. We've talked about what a tangent line is, how to graph it, and how we can find the equation of a tangent line based on its relation to derivatives and a certain point that we have on our graph. Now, in this video, we're going to take all this knowledge of tangent lines that we've learned about and apply it to this new idea of linear approximations. Now this might sound totally complicated and abstract, but don't sweat it because it turns out that the process for solving linear approximation problems that you're going to see in this course is very similar, in fact, nearly identical to the problem-solving we did when finding the equation of a tangent line. So let's just go ahead and get right into things.
Now the first step for solving a linear approximation problem is to find something called the linearization. And the linearization is this process where we take any smooth curve or function and approximate the entire thing to be a line. Now, right at first, this might sound like a really bad idea because we've seen some pretty crazy-looking functions. So the thought that we could approximate any of these functions to look like a line just sounds totally ridiculous, and I would agree with that. But there's a kind of trick that we use when we do these linearization cases.
What we do is we zoom in because if you zoom in very closely to one point on your curve or one specific area, you're going to find that this entire section that you zoom into is going to look very much like a line. And the more you zoom in, the more it's going to look like a straight line. And that's what we're trying to do and the process we use to solve linearization problems. Now we know how to find the equation of a tangent line. This is something we've talked about before.
And note how a tangent line is going to be at one specific point. So we know the process for finding the equation of a tangent line there, and it turns out we can use the same process for finding a linearization since the linearization is just the line that represents our function. So let's actually get into this example. Here in this example, we're told to find the linearization of this function,
But remember, when we're doing linearization, what we're doing is focusing on a very specific point. In this case, we're looking at the point where the x value is 1. And notice what happens if I zoom in very closely here on my graph. If I look closely at that point, the entire thing eventually is just going to look like a line, which is exactly what we want for our linearization problem. Now what I can see here is one is this value of interest we have, which is
And this value right here would be the output when our input is
And it turns out that is exactly what happens with linearization.
And then it's going to be
That's going to be plus our derivative evaluated at
So that's going to be the equation for our line and that would be the solution to this problem where
Well, because with linearization, we're able to put this into application much better. And over the course of the past couple of videos, we've been spending a lot of time talking about how we can apply certain situations that we see in calculus or math in general to the real world, and that's what we're doing with linearization. So when it comes to linearization, since we found this line, notice any values that we find that are close to this region, close to this area we zoomed in on are going to be pretty close to the points that are actually on our function. So if we have some complicated function where we can't figure out what it evaluates to, we can just look at our line, which we know is a lot simpler of an equation. So let's actually go ahead and try some examples of this where we need to approximate values on our line.
So here we have an example down here where we are given this function
So that means we have a point that is somewhere in this region up here. So since it's
So plugging these values in, I'll go to my linearization up here, which is going to be 2. It will replace
So this right here is going to be the approximate solution for
It allows you to find values that are super close to the function that you have. So if you were a scientist and you had some sort of data with a very complicated function you were dealing with, you could approximate it all to be a line so you could solve it by hand like we did up here. Now, one thing that I will also mention is that when you approximate your function at a specific
Notice we're getting further and further away from the original