Avalanche forecasting Avalanche forecasters measure the temperature gradient dT/dh, which is the rate at which the temperature in a snowpack T changes with respect to its depth h. A large temperature gradient may lead to a weak layer in the snowpack. When these weak layers collapse, avalanches occur. Avalanche forecasters use the following rule of thumb: If dT/dh exceeds 10° C/m anywhere in the snowpack, conditions are favorable for weak-layer formation, and the risk of avalanche increases. Assume the temperature function is continuous and differentiable.
a. An avalanche forecaster digs a snow pit and takes two temperature measurements. At the surface (h = 0), the temperature is -16° C. At a depth of 1.1 m, the temperature is -2° C. Using the Mean Value Theorem, what can he conclude about the temperature gradient? Is the formation of a weak layer likely?