So in recent videos, I showed you how to find the mean of a data set, which we said was a measure of center. This is a number that tries to summarize a data set in one central value that's somewhere around the middle. But why didn't we actually just take the data and find the middle number? That's exactly what I want to talk about in this video because that's exactly what the median is. The median is just another measure of center.
And basically, to find it, all you're going to do is you're going to sort the data from smallest to largest, and then you're just going to find the middle number. Again, this is probably something that you've seen before in grade school, but we're going to go over some examples in practice so we can get the hang of it. So let's get started here. We're going to jump right into our examples. We're going to find the median of this set of numbers here.
So I got five numbers. I've got five, ten, 14, 12, and three. Now before you just go haphazardly trying to pick out the middle number like 14, remember that the first thing that you have to do is you have to sort the data from smallest to largest. Alright? That's the first thing you have to do here.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to take this number. I'm going to take these sets of numbers, and I'm going to rewrite them from smallest to largest. So we've got three. What I like to do is kind of just mark off each one of them so I don't double count them or miss them. This is how I keep track of larger and larger datasets.
So I've got three over here, then I've got five, which is the next biggest number. Next one is going to be 10, then I've got 12, and then I've got 14. Alright? So that's my data set sorted from smallest to largest.
And now what we can do is just look at the number of values that we have. In this case, we have n equals five over here, which is just an odd number. And basically, the rule is whenever you have an odd number, the median is just going to be literally the middle value. All right. So there's no trouble here when you have an odd number because all you can do is you may have just seen this method where you can kind of cross off starting from the outside in, or you can just mark them off, one, two, three, four, and then you end up with this middle number over here, which is your median.
So in this case, the median value is the middle number, which is just 10. Alright. That's the median of that data set. Let's move on to the second example over here because now things are a little bit more complicated. So now we see we have the same five numbers, and now we added a sixth number.
That's 76. Right, we've seen that number before. So in this case, what happens is now we have n equals six over here, which is an even number. But let's see what happens first.
First, we're going to sort the data from smallest to largest, which is going to be three, five, 10, 12, 14, and then 76, which goes at the end over here. Alright. And so now we can go ahead and use our method. Alright. If you try to sort of cross them off from the outside in or mark them off, I got two on each side.
And then if I cross off these two, I'll be left with nothing. So I basically have two middle values here. So what's the median? Well, basically, what we do here when we have two middle numbers is we just take the mean of those two middle numbers. So, in other words, the median of an even-numbered amount of data is actually going to be the mean of the two middle numbers.
So what we're going to do here, we're going to take ten and twelve and calculate the mean by adding them together. To calculate the mean, we're just going to take ten and twelve, add them together, and divide by two. Most of the time, you can kind of just visually inspect what the middle number is going to be.
But we can see here clearly, if we calculate this, that it's going to be 11. So in other words, the median of this data set is 11, even though 11 doesn't actually show up in this data. And that's perfectly fine. Alright. So that's how you find the median of a set of numbers.
Now that we've understood how to do that, let's go ahead and take a look at some practice. Thanks for watching.